Our service is all about professionalism and that includes total transparency. You and your team can monitor our delivery with reports that tell you anything you need to know, when and in the format you want.
We will, for example, keep you informed about:
After each review meeting we will agree an action plan and all parties will commit to achieving this by re-agreed deadlines. The Contract Manager will be responsible for ensuring The Resourcing Specialists fulfills all of the points set out in the action plan.
Regular confirmation that we're delivering on our promises
Regular performance reviews are one of the cornerstones of our strong customer relationships. Typically, a review meeting would cover these service criteria, using management and other data gathered automatically by our system:
As well as reviewing recent performance with you, our team will also discuss your predicted requirements for the next period. This allows us to manage our labour pool effectively, accommodating troughs while always having the maximum numbers of people available at peak times.